It's high time that George W is finally calling on Zimbabwean President
Robert Mugabe to resign, as inflation there hits a reported 231 million
percent (really?) and cholera takes hold with 589 reported cases.
(Please look up the history of cholera to confirm this is the "Black
Death" of yore.) Bush has always been lame, and never lamer than now,
duck-wise, but he is late to this party if he ever intended to express
moral and political outrage in a timely manner. Could courage be a
factor? It can't be a coincidence that he does it now in the shadow of
a black President-elect. Obama gives the U.S. added moral legitimacy in
attacking black politicians for racism and destructive social policies,
but the US as a post-slavery state has always been a bit compromised
here. (The last time I checked the U.S. could still boast the highest
per capita prison rate, of which non-whites are disproportionately in
residence. Please check those numbers the next time you're googling,
and they may make you question the efficacy of current drug laws.)
Anyway, I applaud Bush's move - better late than never. And I fully
expect Obama to go where no U.S. President has effectively gone before
in helping Africa to modernize, peacefully, for the sake of its own
See NY Times on Cholera
Also BBC News on Cholera and political unrest