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November 02, 2006


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A fine recount Eric, though now I need to come up with a way to reappear to your readers as something other than an idle, money spending gossip. xoxox

Brian Mulconrey

Brilliant story Eric!

I was just listening to an audiobook version of
"Linked: The New Science of Networks" on a plane last night.

I hadn't known before "reading" the book that the "Six Degrees of Separation" concept was first introduced by a Hungarian writer Karinthy Frigyes in a 1929 short story called "Chains."

Your story is a remarkable demonstration. But I think you're also hinting at something more than a feature of network theory. Your question about "chance" versus "random" is an important one. Is there is something else happening here...


I think you should watch out for typos. Remember, "a typo is a thinko."

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